


Public relations covers a multitude of sins, but for us, it means getting your company in the media talking about the right issues to drive new business, recruitment and funding. To make things simple, we break PR down into different functions, your campaign could focus on one area or use a combination to fulfil your goals.


PR is just one weapon in a company’s communications arsenal. Integrating your PR with a well-rounded marketing campaign, aligned with your commercial strategy, will make a real difference to your bottom line. We offer a series of services to support or help define your marketing strategy.



Consultancy can often mean a lot of fancy words and little actionable insight. For you, our communications consultancy means that we’ll equip you with the tools and knowledge to execute a highly-effective marketing or PR function. We provide a range of services from basic information to get you started, to in depth strategic advice to tackle a particular challenge.We can work on a one off project basis or be on retainer to provide support, advice or sounding board whenever you need it.